Alienum for SL

The original plants fishing game

Buy and Sell Potions

To sell the potions you made to other players, you need to use an official Alienum Potion Vendor.

You can get a rezzer crate for free in the Store. The rezzer crate allows you to get as many vendors as you need.

Each vendor can sell only one type of potion at a time.

To use the vendor is simple:

  • Rezz a vendor from the crate.
  • Accept the Debit Permissions (if something goes wrong, you need to give the money back to the buyer.)
  • Touch to bring the menu, choose 'Add Potion'. Select the type you want to sell, then the potion.
  • Answer how many you want to sell in the text box. The panel will load the image of the selected potion and will show the quantity.
  • Touch again for menu and choose "Set Price". Type the Linden value you want for each unit. Integer values only.
  • In this stage the vendor is offline and can't sell. Touch again for menu and select 'Start'. If everything is ok, the "offline vendor" text will disappear and your vendor ir ready to sell the potions.
  • If you need to make changes, you need to 'Stop' the vendor first.
  • To change quantity or value, you need to 'Return Potions', then add then again.

The potions put for sale will be removed from your account.


The buyer just need to right-click it and choose a value to buy the quantity desired.

Alienum Potion Vendor