Alienum for SL

The original plants fishing game

Alienum Clusters - Landowner Guide

Important: before buying a cluster, read the game Terms Of Service


The Alienum Cluster comes ready to use. After rezzing it from the Delivery Crate, touch it to brings up the menu. To activate it just click Activate. Clusters come with an initial budget (value depends of the tax model).

After rezzing the cluster, rezz the additional objects:

- Energy Cell vendor: Sells "bait" to players. A percentage of the sales go directly to the cluster budget, and the value received depends on how much the cluster stay active in the last 7 days.

- Donation Box: Allows players to donate to the cluster, the money will go directly to the cluster budget (after the tax is taken).

- Cluster Panel: Shows the status of the cluster.

All these objects need to be connected to the cluster to work. So, after rezzing them, Allow Debit Permissions when asked and then touch to link to the cluster.


== The Cluster has the following options:

* Adding money to cluster: Right-click it and choose Pay.

* Changing the player range of the cluster: Touch to bring the menu, choose 'Options', then 'Range'. This options allows you to define the range in many ways:
- Region: player can stay anywhere in the region where the cluster is.
- Parcel: player need to stay in the parcel where the cluster is.
- Meters: works in combination with one of the options above. Example: you can set it to players stay in the same parcel and inside an circular area of 15 meters around the cluster.

* Determining if the cluster can turn Active when receiving a donation: Touch to bring the menu, choose 'Options', then 'Auto Activate'. If checked (with a white mark on it), the cluster will become active when a donation is made and the cluster budget reaches the minimum of 25 L$.

* Stats and Detailed stats: cluster have two different ways to show its status. With the button 'Stats' you get a resumed information in your local chat. The 'webstats' button open a page in your browser, showing detailed information that includes last fundings, last donations, commissions received from energy cell sales, total of visits (when a player touched it) and extracts for the last 30 days, and also the total running time for the last 7 days.


== Options available only in the Pro version:

* Changing the number of allowed extracts: Touch to bring the menu, choose 'Options', then 'Extracts'.

* To increase value paid to players with Multiplier Events: Touch to bring up the menu, choose 'Options', then 'Multiplier'.

* You can also set a time for the cluster to stay active. For this go to the 'Options' menu and choose 'Duration'. Set how much time you want for the event. Note that how it works will depend of the Multiplier and the option 'Stop Event':
- If the Multiplier is 1x and 'Stop Event' is checked, the cluster will become Inactive when the time ends.
- If the Multiplier is 1x and 'Stop Event' is NOT checked, the cluster will become Inactive only when the money ends.
- If the Multiplier is higher than 1x, and 'Stop Event' is NOT checked, the cluster will stay Active and the Multiplier will fall back to 1x, and the duration will be set to 'No duration'.
- If the Multiplier is higher than x1, and 'Stop Event' IS checked, the cluster will go to Inactive, Multiplier will go back to 1x, and the Duration will be set to 'No duration'.

* Note: the cluster will turn Inactive when the budget reaches 0 (zero).